For Curriculums

We believe the best way to improve and promote children’s wellbeing is to provide universal, proactive, early-intervention support to all children. Why wait until things go wrong somehow, before building critical wellbeing and resilience skills?

Personal Social & Health Education (PSHE) curricula 

At ConnectEd, we have developed a full-scale PSHE and wellbeing curriculum for the primary phase of education. Consisting of more than 250 detailed lesson plans, each one complete with handouts, PowerPoint slides, mindfulness exercises and additional resources, ConnectPSHE is based on the popular and evidence-informed DNA-v model.

DNA-v was developed by Hayes & Ciarrochi (2015) and is essentially a developmentally informed version of the original Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model, making it highly suited to wellbeing curricula for children and to many other forms of wellbeing support for youth.

Connect PSHE includes 36 teacher-delivered lesson plans per year, from Reception Year (four years of age) right through to Year Six (11 years of age), and covers all of the U.K. Governments statutory requirements for PSHE curricula.

To find out more, access a free trial or subscribe to Connect PSHE, click here.