For Students

Whilst we embrace the view that proactive, preventative and universal approaches are always the preference for promoting children’s wellbeing and resilience, at ConnectEd we also recognise that, at times, some children experience circumstances that require targeted, specific and specialist support to develop their wellbeing and resilience. 

The specific circumstances that lead to the requirement for additional support and intervention for children are wide-ranging, in terms of both type and severity. In recognition of this, at ConnectEd we offer a range of targeted and specialist interventions, based on the ACT-for-youth model; DNA-v.

Individual 1:1 DNA-v therapy work 

At ConnectEd, we offer individual DNA-v based therapeutic interventions for young people who are particularly struggling in terms of their mental health, social & emotional wellbeing and/or resilience. The duration of interventions can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis, with six weekly sessions usually being the minimum number of sessions for an individual young person. In-person sessions are the preference but if, due to geographical or other barriers, this is not possible, live virtual sessions are often a viable alternative.

Group-based DNA-v for specific struggles

As well as specialist, individualised therapy, at ConnectEd we also offer group-based intervention programs for young people experiencing a range of specific psychological struggles at particular points in their development. Examples of context within which a group-based approach might be particularly effective include:

  • Groups of students experiencing exam-related stress or anxiety.

  • Groups of students experiencing social anxiety.

  • Groups of students experiencing anger-related issues.

Group-based sessions in this area are usually delivered through a series of six 1.5-hour sessions, on a weekly basis, with groups of between five and 15 students. Whilst in-person approaches are a general preference, where students are willing, a virtual meeting platform can also be an effective means of delivering this work.


For more information, including prices

We offer competitive, up-front, standard and full quotation costings for all services offered at ConnectEd. For more information, or to commission targeted services for young people with ConnectEd, please get in touch via email or fill out the form below.