Training & Supervision

for psychologists

We offer support for Clinical Psychologists, Educational Psychologists, Counselling Psychologists, Behaviour Analysts, School-based Mental Health & Wellbeing Leads, School Councillors and other educationally based care-professionals in the application of models and approaches that have evolved from the contextual psychological science tradition.  

Services available to registered psychologists and other practitioners applying contextual psychological science include training and supervision in any of the following:

  • Group-based Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) to support school staff wellbeing.

  • One-to-one Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (ACC) with school staff, from senior leaders to newly qualified teachers, to support professional development, values-based professional practice and personal wellbeing.

  • Prosocial interventions and support programs to support the development of productive, equitable and collaborative groups within educational contexts.

  • Group-based and individual therapy work with young people using ACT and DNA-v.

  • Group-based work to support parental wellbeing, and to support parent practice that promotes children’s wellbeing.



We offer competitive, up-front, standard and full quotation costings for all services offered at ConnectEd. 

To find out more and request services, please email us or fill our the form below.