For Educators

We understand that the wellbeing of school staff is paramount. For teachers and other educational staff to support the wellbeing and general development of students, putting their own oxygen masks on first is invariably a good general principle to work to.

We also understand that teachers and other educational staff are people before they are professionals. Put simply, school staff wellbeing is supported most effectively when it takes account of the whole human being, not just the person in their working environment.

Guided by these principles, and a firm commitment to evidence-based practice, at ConnectEd we offer a number of services to support the wellbeing and resilience of educational staff, from Head Teachers and Senior Leaders, to Teaching Assistants (TAs).  

Group-based wellbeing programs

At ConnectEd, we offer group-based wellbeing programs, based on the Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) model. Group size can range from as little as five to as many as 20 and the total in-session time is approximately 10 hours. Sessions can be adapted to accommodate individual organisations’ needs, which means we can deliver:

  • Three x 3.5 hour sessions

  • Four x 2.5 hour sessions

  • Five x 2 hour sessions

Whichever option a setting chooses, typically sessions are delivered between weekly and fortnightly.

The content of this program has been studied extensively over 15 years of research, demonstrating favourable outcomes such as reduced levels of work-related burnout, increased general wellbeing and improvements in values-based living, both with school staff and with professionals in other contexts. Here you can find examples of research papers and other literature demonstrating effective outcomes from this program of support.

Sessions combine experiential learning exercises, such as mindfulness and values clarification work, with psychoeducational content, with the overall aim of supporting general wellbeing and consciously connecting with deeply held personal values, so as to bring these to life through personal action. 

Individual coaching

At ConnectEd, we offer an individual coaching service for educators. This can be adapted for a range of individuals’ contexts, from Senior Leaders who may be experiencing clinical levels of stress and burnout, to Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs), supporting them in connecting personally with, and bringing to life, the kind of teacher they are aspiring to be.

Initially, a series of six weekly sessions is usually recommended. From this point onward, further individual sessions can be requested.  

Our coaching sessions are based on the Acceptance and Commitment Coaching (ACC) model (Hill and Oliver, 2019), supporting values clarification and cultivating a flexible and open relationship with thoughts and feelings, and improving general psychological wellbeing.  

This short book provides a useful introduction to the ACC approach to coaching.


For more information, including pricing

We offer competitive, up-front, standard and full quotation costings for all services offered at ConnectEd. For more information, or to commission teacher/educator wellbeing services with ConnectEd, please get in touch at via email or fill out the form below.